

Places to Go - Huntley Meadows (Alexandria, VA)



Huntley Meadows Nature Preserve is one of our absolute favorite places in the DC metro area. You begin your visit walking down a beautiful forest path, surrounded on all sides by REALLY tall trees (don't forget to look up, the view is amazing) after about 0.5 miles you arrive at a boardwalk through a wetland - prepare to see turtles, geese, butterflies, heron, and frogs. Plus, cattails - lots and lots of them. Every time we visit, we search for a mongoose, but we haven't found one yet (the fact that we're noisy doesn't help). Seriously, it's an absolute gorgeous place. We try to come here at least once a season, to check out the changing scenery (I love how the forest becomes a blanket of green mixed with white wildflowers in spring). After the boardwalk (which is quite lengthy) you can turn around or walk further ahead, so that you'll eventually make a loop through the forest. The whole place is stroller friendly and, though rarely crowded, there are always enough people around that you never feel uncomfortable. If you want to take your children to a nature place that they're sure to love, this is the place. There's also a visitors center, which is mainly geared towards older children.

Have a great Monday everyone!

And if you need some inspiration, here are some great links from around the web:

*The guerilla knitting movement is so cool, to learn more about it and see some great photos, check out this blog.

*These globes are so so beautiful. I really want one. (courtesy of DesignSponge). Plus, I'm in love with this ugly cabinet to beautiful playkitchen remake.

*Erica Jong's article on motherhood has been making its way through the internet. I know it really pissed some moms off (or hurt their feelings), but the sentence "[w]e need to be released from guilt about our children, not further bound by it" really hit the right chord with me.

*I started following Yosigo a few years ago, when I first joined flickr. I emailed him about buying a print (and remember his prices being reasonable), but I never managed to purchase it (this happens to me a lot). Anyways, he seems to be popping up everywhere these days (for example, one of his photos was in Real Simple a few months ago), as he should be. His stuff is amazing. Check out his website if you have a chance.

*This blog always makes me smile. I love the photos and the list of life's simple joys. It's a sure-fire pick me up.


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