

Things to Read - Baby & Toddler Books

september30 (3 of 7)

After three babies, I feel this is an area our family has developed some expertise in. Though each child had his/her own preferences, we've had a few sure fire hits over the last few years. (By the way, you can click on the image thumbnails to enter each book's amazon site).


That's Not My Monster... (Usborne Touchy Feely)
Babies love to touch and feel the pages. Usborne makes a whole series of "that's not" books (that's not my monster, that's not my princess, that's not my dragon, etc.) and all three of my children loved them (though they are repetitive so I wouldn't suggest buying the whole series). We like the monster because he's cute (and gender neutral), but all of them are fun.

Peek-a-Baby: A Lift-the-Flap Book
All three kids loved this book - the flaps combined with the pictures of other babies make for a great "read." Plus, the flaps are secured pretty strongly, so the pages can tolerate some abuse (unlike pop up books, which babies can destroy in mere seconds).

My First Word Touch and Feel
As an adult, these "my first word books" are painfully boring. But babies really do like pointing to the pictures and listening to you say the words. Plus, every page of this book has something different to feel.

Machines at Work
My mom bought this book for T and he can't stop looking at the pictures. I hate when people go on and on about the differences between boys and girls, but there really is something about little boys and construction equipment. They love it.

Stage 2: - These books have actual "plots" (minimal plots), so I think of them as stage 2 books. T still doesn't show any interest in story-type books, but by the time the girls were 1.5 years old, they loved it when we read to them.

This book makes a great transition from baby books to toddler books. Lots of stuff to pull and look at and feel, plus a minimal plot.

Mr Brown Can Moo! Can You? (Bright and Easy Board Books)
This is truly a classic. Before either of the girls could talk, we were reading this all the time because they loved practicing all the animal sounds. Plus, the rhymes are catchy (you can't go wrong with Dr. Seuss) so we never really minded reading it over and over and over again.

But Not the Hippopotamus
Sandra Boynton is the reigning queen of toddler books. But not the Hippopotamus is my favorite book of her's (I love the message of trying to include everyone), but all of them are quite good (esp. Belly Button Book (Boynton on Board), Moo Baa La La LaOne, Two, Three! (Boynton on Board). As an adult, they're fun to read, we missed them when the girls grew out of them. I've actually thought about writing Sandra Boynton a thank you note for making toddler literature so entertaining.

So Many Bunnies: A Bedtime ABC and Counting Book (A bedtime ABC & counting book)
This is a great introduction to the alphabet and the sound of each letter. Each bunny sleeps in a different place (Able on a Table, Blair on a Chair, Carol in a barrel). Plus the pictures of the bunnies are really cute.

For more suggestions - Sew Liberated has a long list of her toddler's favorite books (we also enjoy Mama, Do You Love Me?)

What about everyone else? Any good toddler/baby book recommendations? (I've purposefully left Goodnight Moon Board Book & Bunny off the list, as most of you probably received at least three copies as shower gifts).

1 comment:

  1. We just got "Heads" which is like "Tails" only the other end...and my kids are really beyond toddler books. They like the neat actions of the book.

    We love the ones on your list, plus "Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb" and another interactive one called "Good Egg".

    Oh and "The little mouse, the big hungry bear, and the red ripe strawberry."

    I do love book lists. Thanks for sharing!
