

Things to Do - Random Links & 5 Hours 'Til Bedtime

darcytroutman (1 of 1)

Happy Friday everyone! Isn't it crazy how you can drive across the country on a 5 week road trip and see all sorts of amazing things, yet you take one of your favorite photographs ever in a Subway off a a boring stretch of highway outside Amarillo, Texas? Life is so random.

Anyways, Have a fantastic Labor Day and don't forget to check out this week's awesomeness on 5 Hours 'Til Bedtime!


* Why would I hire someone else to take photos I can take myself? YES, YES, and YES!!!!

* The prettiest children's books to gift (and to get).

* Have you seen the Lonely Girls Lingerie campaign? Personally, seeing "real women" in their underwear makes me want to buy what they're wearing, because I can sort of get a feel for how it would look on me (unlike the Victoria's Secret catalog which makes me want to hide in a mumu).

* A magazine for little girls who want to be president. I wish they had something similar for older kids.

* The 100 greatest films of the 21st century. Do you agree? (Dan's favorite movie ever is #32 and I'll always be a fan of #5, 6, 38, 73, and 79, but I'm not sure about the rest).

* I can't wait to see Bill Nye save the world.

* Wow, I love these photos.

* 2017's color of the year. I know it's boring, but I like it.

* Trader Joe's meal hacks.

* 25 famous women on body image.

* I think every grade school needs to host a career day like this one.

1 comment:

  1. That TJ hacks post is brilliant! Thanks so much for sharing it!

    PS..we should get together to share road trip stories!
