

Things to Do - Cherish This Day & Random Links

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HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!! Now click on over to Cherish This Day for lots of wonderfulness.


* I just signed up for this workshop and I CAN'T WAIT for it to start.

* The Teenage Glaze - wow, these are good.

* We've been out of diapers for awhile now, but if you're still in the market, Where the Watermelons Grow posted a great guide to going cloth free.

* Homemade funny face stamps. Genius.

* Tavi Gevinson is so cool.

* I want this book.

* I actually like GW's paintings.

* A homeless boxer's mansion - “Even though they're technically homeless, they don't feel homeless living as part of this encampment. It's a really unique place. I think it's especially interesting in the context of the housing shortage, the rising housing prices, and growing income inequality in the Bay Area. It's one of the last places where homeless people can go and feel somewhat self-reliant and safe."

* I love all these movies.

* Dinner party decorations (or lack thereof) always stress me out. But this looks simple, manageable, and so so cute.

1 comment:

  1. I sort of like his paintings, too. So weird. At the very least I think he can paint better than I can, and probably better than a lot of his detractors so I give him credit for trying something new.
