

Things to Do - Visit Friends


Lately we've fallen into a bit of a rut in that we tend to gravitate towards the small, close group of friends we've acquired (I think it's an introvert thing). And sometimes months can pass before we see some of our favorite people who happen to live a little farther away. So I was so happy when J, a friend I haven't seen in awhile, emailed me about a playdate. We picked a date and I drove over to her new house in Ashburn, VA, which was positively lovely - lots or room inside and a wonderful NATURE TRAIL next to their property. As much as I love our little house in the sort-of-suburb of Arlington (and boy is it little), I sometimes envy those who live in the real suburbs - with big houses and room to run (though on the other hand, it's great we live so close to the city that my husband bikes to work). Anyways, J's sons are only fifteen months apart in age (my girls are thirteen months apart) so we had a lot to talk about. Plus, her children are energetic, great kids whom the girls had a blast playing with. What a lovely day. Maybe we need to leave the city more often.


If you're looking for some inspiration around the net, check out the following links:

*Looking for the perfect gift for the kid/kids in your life? - Bloesem Kids' gift guide some gorgeous suggestions. Further, one of my friends just started a great blog about the benefits of play for kids, click here to see her gift recommendations.

*Bloesem also has great gift suggestions for adults (why not buy yourself something nice?)- click here for the link

*These baby pictures are just incredible, I wish I would have had the energy/ambition/creativity to do a project like this when my kids were first born.

*These posters are adorable. I want one.

*I've been wanting some of these beautiful stamps for awhile now. Especially the winterscape and cityscape sets. They're just so pretty.
