

Things to Read - GUEST POST - Picture Books for Big Kids

When I first started blogging (all of three months ago), I took a "Blogging Your Way Class" hosted by Holly Becker (of Decor8). The class itself was both helpful and informative (lots of great photo tips). But beyond the curriculum, the class served as a great way to meet fellow bloggers. It was through "Blogging Your Way" that I met fellow blogger and Arlingtinian (is that a word?) Kelley Shangle. I highly suggest checking out her beautiful blog, Bad Hausfrau - full of funny stories, housekeeping shenanigans, and great links. Lucky for us, Kelley has volunteered as a Guest Blogger for a new series I'm hosting in which people discuss their top five books on any given topic (readers - please let me know if you'd be interested in writing a future post). Please see below the line for Kelley's post - I can't wait to dig into her book recommendations!!

Picture Books for Big Kids

Hi No Monsters in My Bed readers! I just love Darcy's blog and she's such a nice person to boot, so I was so honored when she asked me to do a guest post. This is my first stint as a guest blogger so I'm very excited! Today I'm delighted to share with you 5 of my favorite illustrated books:

1. Growing Up and Other Vices by Sara Midda

I absolutely adore Midda's hilarious writing about childhood predicaments and the adorable accompanying illustrations. There is a great section on table manners: "Never show contents of mouth to fellow diners… Spitting out food is rude, as is spitting on food to mark it as yours." So true. I keep returning to this book and have given it as a gift to several of my (adult) friends.

2. Century Girl: 100 Years in the Life of Doris Eaton Travis Last Living Star of the Ziegfeld Follies by Lauren Redniss

This book has the most creative and original format I have ever seen. It is part journal, part scrapbook, part illustrated history. Imagine if Hanna Hoch assembled a book on the life of a beautiful showgirl from the roaring 20s and published it just for us.

3. Mrs. Tependris the Contemporary Years: The Adventures of an Art Collector by Konstantin Kakanias w/ an introduction by Hamish Bowles

Mrs. Tependris is a wonderfully glamorous NYC maven who's recent stint in an ashram gave her an epiphany--she could reach spiritual enlightenment through contemporary art! Thus begins an exploration of all the major players in modern and contemporary art and Mrs. Tependris is up for anything and everything. The forward is written by Vogue's Hamish Bowles (how fabulous!) and there's also a very cute index at the end of the book: "Gucci: A house of sin, murder, corruption, and bad loafers. See Prada."
(pictured - factory, Cindy Sherman, & Kara Walker)

4. The Very Obliging Flowers by Claude Roy, translated by Gerald Bertin, illustrated by Alain LeFoll

I recently found this trippy 1960s book in the $2 rack at a used bookstore in Boston and had to bring it home with me. The story involves modern architecture, natural living, beauracracy, and a flower called fraxilumelle ("it's a flower that grows in Java and it's very nice"). The plot is not important. I think it's all a metaphor for mushrooms. Or something. I just enjoy its exuberant Yellow Submarine-like illustrations and surrealist writing.

5. Gnomes by Rien Poortuliet ad Wil Huygen

I'll finish up with a true classic. My husband and I were talking about some of the books we loved as a child and Gnomes came up (Castle by David Macaulay was another one we both loved ). So, we ended up getting the 30th anniversary edition of the book. Never has a magical being been so thoroughly cataloged, and in such loving detail. Rien Poortuliet's watercolor illustrations and the story of gnome society are so charming. I wish we had a House Gnome.

I had lots of fun putting this list together. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you Darcy for having me! Toodles for now,
Kelley Shangle

I'll be over at my blog Bad Hausfrau

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