
Places to Go (Vacation) - Berkeley Springs, WV - Moms' Weekend, Part I



We first joined F's playgroup about 4 years ago, when F was three. Throughout my college years I never participated in sorority life (my college didn't even have a greek system) so I found the idea of meeting a random group of women who had nothing in common but the age of their offspring daunting, to say the least. What would we talk about? Toddlers? Ugh, I was SO SICK of talking about toddlers, I already had two and they seemed to have engulfed me. I loved them to death but I also wanted an escape. Luckily, I found the right group of women.

Not that everything came easily at first, it took awhile for me to overcome my social anxiety and realize the true wonderfulness of this group - which includes: a scientist, an economist, a sociologist who dabbles in astrology as well as other systems that attempt to explain why people are how they are (love her), an ex-lawyer (like me), and a "secret agent" (actually I have no idea if this correctly describes her job as she can never talk about it). Several of the moms work (both full and part time), one mom is the sole wage earner for her family. Two moms each started their own businesses (Go Bananas Dancing and The Science Seed) and now manage staffs of people (I find them both incredibly inspiring). Basically, we're all pretty awesome.

When the kids were younger we met at playgrounds and nature centers during the morning, discussions would start with strollers but usually stronger issues would break through - politics, god, how on earth anyone manages to shower. Somewhere along the way we began meeting on Friday afternoons with wine for the moms and juice boxes for the kids, everyone takes turns making amazing dinners. Some days we linger until 9 pm or so. And eventually one of the moms noted that we needed a weekend away - together.

A house was rented. Wine was carted in (practically by the barrel). Somehow 6 tubs of hummus made their way into the fridge. We danced. We Apple to Appled. We ate (a lot), including a wonderful dinner out at Tari's restaurant. We watched a cheesy chick flick. We napped. We spa-ed. We drank. We learned how everyone met their spouse and when they lost their virginity. We drank and danced more.

Good times. I can't wait for our next trip!



1 comment:

  1. Love all of these ladies! Parenting wouldn't be half as fun without you guys.



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