
Things to Make - Cardboard Posters/ Family Portraits


(We had to take several pics before T figured out what I meant when I yelled "turn your poster around." And I realized that there are SO SO many ways to turn a poster.)

This Tuesday's "Things to Make" comes from F, who is very excited about creating her own bloggable craft project. We recently bought new kitchen chairs, which came packaged in HUGE cardboard boxes. In the past week, the kids have used the boxes to make - boats, houses, slides, and beds. Once the cardboard finally broke into pieces, F decided that some of the fragments would make beautiful posters. So we created. And F would like to remind everyone "sometimes all you need is cardboard, markers, and a little imagination, that's the best way to recycle." Now you know. So get your markers out.


Everyone decided to draw "fmalei" pictures on their posters. I think I look good as a stick.


The box slide. Cause of many minor injuries and sibling disputes.

1 comment:

  1. cardboard boxes are the best! i have a stash of small(ish) cardboard boxes that i want to use for a project with my kids this weekend. your kids are adorable :)



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