
Things to Do - Cherish This Day & Grateful List (January 2015)

darcytroutman_february27 (1 of 1)

January started off slow, but then came my birthday (39) and a great night downtown with Dan. Plus, by mid-month I was walking again. And we ended the month at Disney, so all in all, I have no room to complain.

If you have a chance, don't forget to click over and see today's post on Cherish This Day.

* Reading This Is Where I Leave You
* Reading Amy Poehler's Yes Please
* Reading We Are Not Ourselves
* Watching The Grand Budapest Hotel
* Watching Y Tu Mama Tambien for the first time in years
* Watching Big Fish for family movie night
* Listening to Stars' new album, No One Is Lost
* Listening to The Body Electric, Small Town Heroes
* Josh Ritter singing Moon River
* Attending the play Trailer Park - The Musical

* Dinner with Shannon at Zatinya (which I now think of as "our" restaurant)
* Cava with Lola
* Alaskan halibut with roasted tomatoes (via Cooking Light)
* Gwyneth's zucchini tacos (via Goop)
* Trader Joe's salted caramel chai
* Italian sausage with cabbage and potatoes (via Three Many Cooks)

* Sunday night swim practice
* Family bowling
* The dog park with F
* A great night at the Park Hyatt with Dan for my birthday (thank you Margie & Bob for watching the kids!)

* F's Science at Home kit

VACATION (Disney World, FL)
* Fast plass plus reservations
* No flight delays or illnesses
* Benihana (P - "This is the best restaurant I've ever been to")
* Epcot's German beer garden lunch buffet (for some reason I was always starving in Disney World)
* Everest & Dinosaur and T loving roller coasters

* Playing Settlers of Catan, Forbidden Island, & Monopoly with the kids
* A wonderful extended family photo shoot (soup and stories on the couch), which helped get me out of my post-broken foot funk
* The first snow of winter (January 6) and the kids still have school
* T to his friend, "Do you know what's disgusting? When a dog licks you it's actually a kiss."
* F to P, "I'm telling you that reading this book will really strengthen the bond between you and me." (The book is Out of My Mind)
* Friends who bring you cake on your birthday (thank you Hector & Janeese!)
* After 6 weeks on the couch, finally returning to yoga and dog walks!
* Ben Sasso's lightroom editing class (through Define)


F - my family, a nice house to live in and food to eat, that everything is so great, Laura and Elise, Girls Just Want To Have Fun (the movie), Garfield comic books, Coco, Odessa, Soarin', Everest

P - my sleepover with Paige, the indoor pool with Laney, our family, swim practice, snowdates, school delays, Big Fish (the movie), a lot of stuff, Everest, my family

T - a nice house to live in and food to eat, my family, Bad News Bears (the movie), watching the Civil War show with dad, more days off school, yogurt, Disney World

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