Sometimes you need a day like this.

8:45 am - Walking the girls to school. The dogs are crazy when walked together, so now we separate them, but I always feel so bad about leaving one behind.

9:00 am - Crazy how you can still see colors from the sunrise behind the playground.

9:05 am - This is what happens when we leave Coco alone in the house (she can now break out of a crate that's locked with 10 carabiners and 2 bike locks, it's like living with Houdini).

9:45 am - Kickboxing. Jessie is the best instructor ever. She makes me smile and laugh like crazy, even during burpees.

11:30 am - Union Market with Trina for some holiday shopping. I (of course) end up only buying things for myself (somehow it seemed perfectly normal to spend $50 on tea). And soup for lunch. Really good soup.

1:45 pm - Pick T up from preschool and then drop him off at a playdate. More time to myself (which feels crazy).

2:00 pm - Fold laundry and pack while watching episode 1 of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (I broke down and bought the whole season on Amazon Instant video because everyone needs a guilty pleasure, but Dan hates it and I don't want the kids watching it, so I need to "sneak" the housewives in). [By the way, in case there are any other "fans" (I use this term loosely) out there - Yolanda annoys me and what's up with the crazy witch lady this season? Why is she always so cranky?]

3:30 pm - Pick T up from his playdate and then walk to pick up the girls from school. Yes, pink sheet and Knuffle Bunny REALLY need to come with us.

3:45 pm - Best friends after school. A playdate is requested and granted, as they knew it would be.

4:15 pm - Run over to the neighbor's house to take some quick photos of her kids as a surprise b-day gift for her husband (for those of you who know said neighbor, let's keep the surprise on the downlow, k?). I haven't processed the pics yet, but so far I really like this shot.

5:00 pm - The kids play wii before homework. Lately they enjoy making miis of their favorite pop stars.

9:00 pm - Dinner at Rosa Mexicana to celebrate Shannon's birthday and baby. They brought her a shot disguised as a cake, that Rosa is pretty clever (if she's even real).
Now click on over to Not-So-SAHM to see how her day went.
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