
Places to Go (Vacation) - Colonial Williamsburg, Day 2 (Williamsburg, VA)


F liked Colonial Williamsburg so much that she asked to return the next day. P and Dan had to leave early (P for a birthday party, Dan for a Sunday at the office), so I decided to take F and T back to the late 1700s. As much as I love all my kids, two really are much easier than three (it doesn't matter which two, any combination will do).

We started out at the Powell House, where they emphasize daily life. Lots of toys, inside and out. The kids had a blast. Apparently hoop and stick really is timeless.


We watched a historical reenactment about fighting the British. When I told T the presentation would involve war, he assumed we would see soldiers shooting guns. So for the next 2 HOURS he kept asking "but where war mommy? where war?" over and over again.


Shopping in town - the wigmaker fascinated me (such an odd statement of wealth and fashion), but F couldn't stop asking questions at the milliner. She really wanted to buy the white dress with the pink ribbon (luckily, it wasn't for sale).

We also went out to eat at a real restaurant (this is surprisingly easier with two kids than with three), which F proclaimed "super fancy." T couldn't concentrate on the details of luxury because he still kept asking "is that a soldier? where the war? where war mommy? where?"

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