
Things to Make - Travel Journals (and some more vacation pictures)


At kindergarten F really enjoys writing in her daily journal. So for vacation I decided to buy all the kids primary notebooks, with large lined paper and space to draw pictures, where they could record our adventures (I purchased this model, but I'm sure you could find or make something similar).

Not surprisingly, neither P nor T showed much interest in their journals, but F wrote every afternoon. And I enjoyed seeing the world through her eyes. If only to learn that as long as we stay at a hotel with a pool nothing else really matters. Only once did she write anything indicating that we left the property. ONLY ONCE!! "Aren't you going to write about the science museum?" I asked. "Um, what would I say? besides I already wrote about trying laseena, what's that word again?" "Lasanga." Why do I even try?

And in case you're wondering. I know I'm sort of stretching the "things to make" category this week, as the journal was purchased. But some weeks are like that. Even in Cleveland.


Upon arrival, first things mentioned - the dog and the pool.


We spent the next two days at Holden Arboretum and the Science Museum. Apparently these weren't as interesting as corn on the cob and lasagna (the "something new" she tried).


The hotel pool. Yup, this is where the magic happened. Or so I've read.


FINALLY!! Our outside adventures make front page news. Finally!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this -- my little journal/field notebook from when I was about F's age cracks me up to this day when I visit home and read it. I wrote a pretty sweet poem about a moth ball.



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