
Things to Read - Beach Books for Kids

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I brought a variety of children's non-fiction beach books to the ocean, hoping that the books would help the kids find things to explore and look for along the water, which worked out really well. Especially learning about mermaid's purses, as we spent the rest of the trip finding LOTS of them.

I tried to stick with picture books, figuring all the kids (age 3-8) could read these together. (Note - For more children's beach book recommendations, check out this past post).

T (age 3) - I liked the pictures [in other words, a lot of this went over his head]

P (age 6) - It was so funny, I like the jokes. I learned that the coral reef is made of dead stuff.

F (age 7) - I liked it. I learned that the ocean has 3 layers and different parts - mountains, slopes, and the floor

P (age 6) - I liked learning about all the stuff, especially crabs

F (age 7) - I liked learning all about the ocean, shark teeth, and jellyfish, though jellyfish are a little creepy.

M (age 8) - I liked learning about crabs, shells, coconuts, and jellyfish

P (age 6) - I learned how shells protect animals

F (age 7) - The book has a lot of information, it is good for the beach

M (age 8) - I liked learning how shells used to be animals' houses

P (age 6) - I liked learning about water and how kids can help save the ocean

F (age 7) - I liked that the captain reminded me of a pirate

M (age 8) - I like how the kids helped the ocean stay clean and clean the air

[note - This is a work of fiction, with absolutely beautiful illustrations. I'm a little enamored with it.]

K (age 5) - I liked the whale and I thought it was silly. My favorite part was the whale.

P (age 6) - I liked it and I liked that they finally saw a big whale, though it made me sad that they couldn't look at anything else

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