I've been trying to take more pictures lately of ordinary life. Some days are better than others . . .
P seemed to cartwheel her way through March. Everywhere we went all I heard was "just a few more, mom? please!"
And T seemed to supehero his way through March. "Can I be a police/firefighter/builder/Batman when I grow up, mom?" "Um, sure, though you might not have enough time for hobbies."
And F seemed to all of a sudden become OLD in March. I am having a hard time dealing with this.
This winter, we had a few school cancellations due to snow. Obviously, how can the city operate with accumulation like this?
Menchie's frozen yogurt opened up down the block from us. Life may never be the same.
My kids became addicted to silly looking hats.
The cherry blossoms started to bloom. Then just stopped for for a couple of weeks.
Dan made T his own headset, so they could take conference calls together.
F read books at the playground, while P flipped and T climbed.
Our hotel in Philly had a spinny chair. This was more exciting than you can imagine.
The Easter eggs went fast this year. Despite their lack of candy.
T built a trap in the backyard to keep out the bad guys. It took three hours to complete and is so complicated I can't even begin to explain how it works.
And sometimes we danced on the tables. Well, because we wanted to.
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