(Dan managed to put down the blackberry for most of our trip. Unfortunately, T picked it up.)
For our Disney trip we stayed in a one-bedroom villa at Wildnerness Lodge (my mom stayed in the lodge). On the downside, the villas are pricey (hence why we only stayed three nights). They also book up pretty fast. On the upside, having your own kitchen at Disneyworld is pretty awesome, especially when you bring a carload of food. Dan made wonderful homemade dinners every night (have I ever mentioned how wonderful my husband is?) and we brought lunch and snacks with us to the parks (though most days it was too hot to eat much). We stayed on the first floor and outside our room we had a small patio and a grassed "backyard" where the kids ran and ran. The room was quite large and had a separate shower and jaccuzi tub. A small pool and hot tub were within a two minute walk from our room (as was a great health club, which I never used). Lizards resided on the backfence along with lots of birds. It really did feel sort of wildernessy, Disney's so good at doing what it does.
From the Lodge, Disney runs buses to all the themeparks. For the Magic Kingdom you also have the option of taking a ferry boat, which is how we traveled most of the time. A nice relaxing trip on the water, before the magic began.

By the way, I'm skipping my usual Things to Read post because of all the Disneyworld posts. But, in case you're wondering, we purchased The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World with Kids 2011 (Unofficial Guides)
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