
Things to Do - Contemplate the Wonder of Electricity


Sorry about the lack of posts lately. We spent a week on vacation and upon returning home we lost power for two days/three nights (just like millions of other families). So we camped out with friends and family as the kids reveled in nightly "sleepovers" with playmates and cousins. And, despite several moments of frustration, the whole experience ended up being pretty fun - I finally saw multiple episodes of Girls (which is hysterically funny and almost too realistic a reminder of what it feels like to be 20-something), I ate a ton of meat from "happy animals" (which had been stored in our rapidly defrosting freezer), I drank glass after glass of champagne, I read two books, I watched F finally conquer the diving board, and I basically relaxed.

Usually spontaneity and I do not get along, but under adverse circumstances, we can work well together.


*Can't stop listening to this mellow summer mix.

*Crochet playgrounds.

*I know the 4th of July is over, but I love this easy fireworks craft.

*Is farm lit the new chick lit?

*Donut hole skewers. Yum.


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