
Things to Make - Tissue Paper Vases & Tissue Paper Collages



A few weeks ago, we made tissue paper vases while some friends were over. The whole project seemed easy enough - we still had tissue paper left over from the flowers we made (click here for post) and the recycling bin was full of glass bottles. So after I found some Mod Podge CS11202 Original 16-Ounce Glue, Gloss Finish (which is only about $3 at AC Moore) our art project began. On the downside, this project proved messier than I expected (glue got everywhere). On the upside, the girls LOVED placing different colored tissue papers ontop of each other and watching the colors merge, we kept hearing "look, blue and yellow really do make green." Once completed, the undried vases were sort of lumpy/sticky/glue-y looking, but 12 or so hours later the resulting vessels were quite pretty. We keep our vases in the kitchen and use them to hold all the spring flowers accumulated on walks.

Here's the scoop:
1. Cut the tissue paper into squares or other small pieces.

2. "Paint" Mod Podge or glue onto the vase then start sticking the tissue paper to it. Unfortunately, the kids had so much fun with the paintbrushes that Mod Podge was soon EVERYWHERE. In retrospect, I would recommend diluting the glue with water.

3. Continue to layer the jar by alternating between "painting" and sticking the tissue paper to the paint. If the tissue paper gets bumpy just try to pat it down - no need to make it perfect, remember it's the process that's fun.

4. Once all the tissue paper is on the vase coat over it with the Mod Podge.

Toddler version:
I didn't want to deal with T and glue so I gave him a paintbrush and water and let him water-paint the tissue onto plain white paper. He also seemed to enjoy watching the colors mix.


*I love these real easter eggs with a secret message inside ("fortune eggs") - click here for the tutorial.

*Tie-Dye tissue paper, so pretty.

*For adults - make a cyanotype scarf and/or gorgeous metal/thread bracelets.

*DIY marbleized easter eggs.

*These balloon vases (much classier than they sound) are adorable and easy to make. I love it.

*Rainbow cake in a jar - I want to eat this. NOW.

*Jersey knit bracelets = pretty cool.



  1. Awww those are adorable!!! I love all your "things to make" posts! :)

    Belly B

  2. They look beautiful with the flowers in them! I used to make smaller ones and place a candle inside.



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